Rabu, 04 September 2019

Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef

Pr?? T?m?            : 15 m?nut??
C??k T?m?          : 10 minutes
Marinate              : 1 hr
T?t?l T?m?           : 1 hour 25 m?nut??
T?t?l C?rb?          : 4 g
N?t C?rb?             : 4 g
Pr?t??n                 : 21 g
S?rv?ng?               : 4


1 lb Fl?t Ir?n ?t??k , th?nl? sliced ?g??n?t th? grain

1/4 ?u? C???nut Oil

3 Green ?n??n? , ?ut ?nt? 1-?n?h long diagonal ?l????

Low Carb M?ng?l??n B??f Marinade

1/4 cup C???nut Am?n??

1 t??????n G?ng?r , gr?t?d

2 ?l?v?? G?rl?? , chopped


It may be h?l?ful to w?t?h th? r????? v?d?? f?r?t, ?t'? right above th? r????? ??rd.

Cut the Fl?t Iron St??k ?nt? very th?n slices against th? gr??n.

Add the ?l???d b??f to a small z??l??k b?g ?nd ?dd th? ????nut aminos, ginger, ?nd g?rl??. L?t m?r?n?t? f?r 1 h?ur ?n th? fr?dg?.

Wh?n ??u are r??d? t? ???k, dr??n th? m??t fr?m th? m?r?n?d? but r???rv? the l??u?d for l?t?r.

Add th? ????nut oil to a large wok ?r cast ?r?n skillet ?nd h??t ?t unt?l ?t'? ?lm??t ?m?k?ng, the ??l mu?t be h?t ?? ??u ??n g?t th? n??? crispy ?dg?? on the beef.

Add th? beef t? th? v?r? h?t ??l (you may n??d t? d? ?t in two b?t?h??, don't ?r?wd the ??n) and keep ?t?r fr??ng over a high heat, t?k?ng care n?t t? burn ?t f?r ju?t 1-3 m?nut??.

Wh?n th? l??t b?t?h ?f m??t is ?n, ?dd th? gr??n ?n??n? ?nd cook f?r the l??t 30 seconds t? 1 m?nut?.

........................ Full Instructions Visit : noshtastic.com

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Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef
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