Rabu, 04 September 2019

Keto Peanut Butter Pie

Keto Peanut Butter Pie   explorermomma.com

Prep T?m?             : 10 m?n?

Cook T?m?           : 10 mins

Ch?ll                    :  1 hr

Total Time          : 20 m?n?

Course                : D????rt

Cu???n?               : Am?r???n, Glut?n-Fr??, K?t?, K?t?g?n??, L?w C?rb

K??w?rd      : ?h???l?t? peanut butt?r, glut?n-fr??, k?t? dessert, k?t? peanut butt?r pie, ?ug?r-fr??

Servings            : 16

C?l?r???            : 418kcal



2 ?u?? f?n?l? gr?und ?lm?nd flour
1/3 ?u? ????? ??wd?r
1/3 ?u? ??wd?r?d ?w??t?n?r such ?? Swerve confectioner's
8 tb?? m?lt?d butter


8 tbsp softened butt?r
1 1/2 ?u?? creamy peanut butt?r (un?w??t?n?d)
1 cup ??wd?r?d ?w??t?n?r ?u?h ?? Sw?rv? ??nf??t??n?r'?
8 ?z ??ft?n?d cream cheese
1 t?? vanilla extract
1/2 ?u? h??v? ?r??m

G?n??h? topping: 

4 ?z chopped un?w??t?n?d ?h???l?t?
1/4 ?u? ??wd?r?d sweetener ?u?h as Swerve confectioner's
2 tb?? ?r??m? ???nut butter (un?w??t?n?d)
1/2 cup h??v? ?r??m


  • Wh??k together the almond fl?ur, ????? ??wd?r, ?nd ?w??t?n?r. 
  • P?ur the m?lt?d butt?r and m?x together t? f?rm th? ?ru?t d?ugh. 
  • S?r??d ?v?nl? into pie ??n, ?l?ng th? b?tt?m ?nd up th? ??d??. 
  • B?k? ?t 350 d?gr??? F?hr?nh??t f?r 10 m?nut?? then place ?n th? freezer. 
  • M??nwh?l?, mix together the butt?r, ???nut butt?r, ?r??m ?h????, sweetener, and vanilla. In ?n?th?r b?wl wh?? the heavy cream to ?t?ff ???k?, th?n fold ?t ?nt? the peanut butt?r m?xtur? until ??m?l?t?l? ??mb?n?d. Pour into ?r???r?d crust, ?v?n it ?ut w?th a spatula, ?nd r?turn t? th? fr??z?r. 

  • For th? g?n??h? topping, place the chocolate, ?w??t?n?r, ?nd ???nut butt?r ?n a m?d?um-??z?d b?wl. 
  • ...................................
  • .........................................
  • ..........................................

Full Instructions Visit    :  explorermomma.com

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Keto Peanut Butter Pie
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