Jumat, 06 September 2019

Nylon Khaman

Gujarati Cuisine is very near to my heart. I love those Khatta-Meetha Gujju flavours and my everyday cooking is also higly influenced by these Gujju flavours. Coming to Nylon Khaman, it is again a Gujarati delicacy which is popular not only in Gujarat, but has already crossed India's boundries. 

Generally, in Maharashtra, Khaman and Dhokla are synonyms. However from Wikipedia, I found the difference. Quote "Khaman is a gram flour-based food. Whereas dhokla is made with rice and chikpeas, khaman is made from chickpeas only. It is generally lighter in color and softer than dhokla, to make dhokla small proportion of baking soda is added while in khaman more baking soda is added to make it more fluffy spongy and porous." Unquote. The given recipe is a very easy to make recipe and you will get the best result. 

Preparation Time: Approx. 30-40 minutes

Yield: 20-25 pieces

2 cups Chick-pea flour (Besan)
1 tspn Salt
1 tspn Citric Acid (Neembu-ful)
1 tbspn Sugar
2 cups Water (Approx.)
1 tbspn Oil
1 tspn Soda bi-carb

For Tempering:
1/4 cup Oil
6-7 Chopped Green Chillies 
Salt to taste
1/4 tspn Citric Acid (Neembu-ful)
3-4 tbspns Sugar
1/2 to 3/4 cup Water 
1 tbspn roasted Mustard Seeds

For Garnishing:
Chopped Coriander leaves

To Serve with:
Chopped Onion
Fried Green Chillies
or Green Chutney

To make tempering :
Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped Green chillies into the hot oil. Saute it and add water to the tempering. Then add Salt, Citric Acid and Sugar. Boil the tempering till the sugar is dissolved. 

To make Nylon Khaman:
Take Besan in a mixing bowl. Add Salt, Citric Acid, Sugar and mix. Then add water to make batter of pouring consistency. Ensure that there are no lumps in the batter. Then add a tablespoon of Oil and whisk.  Simultaneously, heat Steaming  cooker by adding adequate quantity of water at the bottom of the vessel. Place a greased aluminium plate in the Steaming cooker and keep it ready. 

Once the water in the Steamer is boils and starts releasing steam, add a teaspoon of Soda Bi-carb in the Besan batter and whisk by following a single direction only. Pour the Khaman batter into the plate. Steam it for approximately 20 minutes on medium flame. Once done, allow it to cool and cut it into square pieces. Sprinkle the roasted Mustard Seeds on the Khaman pieces. 

Pour the tempering over the Khaman. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Then garnish it with Chopped Coriander leaves. Serve immediately with Chopped Onion, Sev, Fried Green Chillies or Green Chutney.

1. You may pass the Besan through a siever to avoid lumps in the batter.
2. To check whether the Khaman is ready or not, insert a knife into the Khaman. If it comes out clear, then it is done. 
3. Ensure that the tempering is poured only on the cut gaps of Khaman. Otherwise it will not get soaked in it.
4. If you find that the Khaman has turned dry, then you may have to pour more tempering on the Khaman.
5. I have avoided adding turmeric powder, as it gives red patches to Khaman.
6. Ensure that the tempering is hot and is made after the Khaman is cooked and ready. This will ensure that the cooked khaman softens and gives it the nylon texture.

Step-wise Pictures:

Sending this entry to Nupur's What's with my Cuppa? event hosted by A Day through My Life, Gujarati Zaika and Cutchi Kitchen.

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Nylon Khaman
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