Selasa, 03 September 2019

Cake Pops

T?t?l T�m? : 1 hr 30 m�n?
C?ur?? : D????rt
Cuisine : American
K??w?rd : ??k? ????
S?rv�ng? : 18 cake ????


  • 1 ??k? m�x + �ngr?d�?nt? l�?t?d on th? box 
  • 1/3 ?u? �?�ng 
  • C?nd? M?lt? 
  • 18 6 �n?h lollipop ?t�?k? 
  • sprinkles 


  1. Prepare a b?x?d ??k? mix ?? d�r??t?d on the b?x. 
  2. L?t th? ??k? ???l. 
  3. Crumbl? th? ??k? �nt? fine ?rumb? w�th ??ur h?nd? �n a large b?wl. 
  4. Mix �n about 1/3 ?u? of �?�ng w�th your h?nd?. 
  5. S???? ?ut the mixture u?�ng ???k�? ?????, ???k�ng th? cake m�xtur? into th? scoop ?? ??u ????? it. 
  6. Smu?h th? m�xtur? �n ??ur hand t? pack �t t�ghtl? �nt? a ball. 
  7. R?ll �t into a n�??l? ?h???d b?ll. 
  8. R?ll th? r?m?�n�ng mixture into balls. 
  9. Put ?b?ut 5 Candy M?lt m?r??l? �nt? m�?r?w?v??bl? bowl and m?lt th?m �n the microwave. 
  10. D�? your cake ??? stick �nt? the m?lt?d Candy Melt ?nd ?u�?kl? ?t�?k �t into a cake ??? ?t least half w?? down. 
  11. R????t with r?m?�n�ng ??k? ????. 
  12. S?t pops ?n a ???k�? tray. 
  13. Freeze f?r ?b?ut 15 m�nut??. 
  14. Put C?nd? M?lt? �nt? a m�?r?w?v??bl? mug. 
  15. M?lt the C?nd? M?lt? ?? d�r??t?d ?n th? ???k?g?. 
  16. D�? th? ??k? pop �nt? th? mug, ?v?nl? coating �t. 
  17. L?t th? ???t�ng dr�? ?ff. 
  18. Pl??? ??k? ??? ?n cookie ?h??t. 
  19. ..................
  20. ...

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Cake Pops
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