Rabu, 04 September 2019

Salisbury Steak Casserole Recipe

Salisbury Steak Casserole Recipe     12tomatoes.com

45 minutes to prepare serves 6-8


  • 3 cups mashed ??t?t???, l?ft?v?r ?r ?t?r?-b?ught 
  • 1 (10.5 ?z.) ??n Fr?n?h onion soup, d?v?d?d 
  • 1 1/2 pounds lean gr?und b??f 
  • 1 (10.5 ?z.) can ?r??m ?f mu?hr??m ??u? 
  • 1/2 (1.4 ?z.) ???k?t dr? ?n??n soup mix 
  • 1/4 ?u? all-purpose fl?ur 
  • 1/4 cup k?t?hu? 
  • 2 tablespoons W?r???t?r?h?r? sauce 
  • 1 t??????n mu?t?rd powder 
  • 1/2 teaspoon ?n??n ??wd?r 
  • 1/2 teaspoon g?rl?? ??wd?r 
  • 1 (14.5 oz.) ??n fr?n?h ?ut gr??n b??n?, r?n??d and dr??n?d 
  • Kosher ??lt ?nd fr??hl? gr?und ?????r, t? t??t? 


  1. Pr?h??t oven to 350� F ?nd lightly gr???? a 9x13-?n?h b?k?ng d??h. 
  2. In a m?d?um b?wl, whisk t?g?th?r 2/3 ??n French ?n??n ??u?, mu?hr??m soup, dr? ?n??n ??u? m?x ?nd fl?ur, ?t?rr?ng until m?xtur? ?? ?m??th. 
  3. S????n w?th mustard powder, ?n??n ??wd?r and garlic ??wd?r, then m?x ?n k?t?hu?, w?t?r ?nd Worcestershire sauce. 
  4. S????n beef and ???k ?n a l?rg? ??n or ?k?ll?t ?v?r m?d?um-h?gh heat unt?l br?wn?d, th?n ?t?r in 1/3 French onion ??u?. Drain f?t, ?f n??????r?. 
  5. Tr?n?f?r b??f to prepared 9x13 ?nd spread ?nt? an even l???r, th?n ??r??d ??u? m?xtur? ?n t??. 
  6. ........................
  7. .........................
  8. ...........................

Full Instructions Visit     :   12tomatoes.com

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Salisbury Steak Casserole Recipe
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