Rabu, 04 September 2019

Pina Colada Quick Bread Recipe

Pina Colada Quick Bread Recipe       momontimeout.com

Pr?? t?m?               : 5 m?n?

Cook t?m?             :  60 mins

T?t?l t?m?             :  1 hour 5 m?n?

Recipe t???          : Br??d

S?rv??                  : 10 ??rv?ng?


  • 3 ripe b?n?n?? 
  • � ?u? brown ?ug?r 
  • � cup gr?nul?t?d sugar 
  • 1 egg, r??m t?m??r?tur? 
  • 6 tb?? butt?r, softened 
  • � t?? v?n?ll? ?xtr??t 
  • 1 t?? rum extract 
  • 1� ?u? ?ll ?ur???? fl?ur 
  • 1� tsp b?k?ng powder 
  • � tsp b?k?ng ??d? 
  • 1 ?u? ??n????l? tidbits 
  • 1 ?u? ?w??t?n?d ?hr?dd?d coconut 
  • P?n????l?-Rum Gl?z? 
  • � ?u? ??wd?r?d ?ug?r 
  • 2 tbsp pineapple ju??? 
  • 1 t?? rum ?xtr??t 
  • � cup t???t?d ????nut 


  1. Preheat ?v?n to 325F. Gr???? a l??f ??n ?nd ??t aside. 
  2. P??l and m??h th? b?n?n?? in a l?rg? b?wl. St?r in th? sugar, ?gg, butt?r, ?nd ?xtr??t? unt?l w?ll ??mb?n?d. (C?n use ?ll v?n?ll? ?xtr??t ?f preferred.) 
  3. C?mb?n? the dr? ?ngr?d??nt? ?n a ?m?ll bowl ?nd stir ?nt? the w?t ?ngr?d??nt? until ju?t ??mb?n?d. 
  4. Stir in th? pineapple ?nd ????nut ?nd ??ur into prepared l??f pan. 
  5. Bake f?r 60-70 minutes ?r until ?n ?n??rt?d t??th???k ??m?? out ?l??n. 
  6. Let ???l ?n ??n. 
  7. Wh??k together th? ??wd?r?d ?ug?r, ??n????l? juice, ?nd rum ?xtr??t and dr?zzl? ?v?r th? top ?f the bread. S?r?nkl? with t???t?d ????nut. 

Toasted C???nut 

....................................... Full Instructions Visit     :      momontimeout.com

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Pina Colada Quick Bread Recipe
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