Pina Colada Quick Bread Recipe
Pr?? t?m? : 5 m?n?
Cook t?m? : 60 mins
Recipe t??? : Br??d
S?rv?? : 10 ??rv?ng?
- 3 ripe b?n?n??
- � ?u? brown ?ug?r
- � cup gr?nul?t?d sugar
- 1 egg, r??m t?m??r?tur?
- 6 tb?? butt?r, softened
- � t?? v?n?ll? ?xtr??t
- 1 t?? rum extract
- 1� ?u? ?ll ?ur???? fl?ur
- 1� tsp b?k?ng powder
- � tsp b?k?ng ??d?
- 1 ?u? ??n????l? tidbits
- 1 ?u? ?w??t?n?d ?hr?dd?d coconut
- P?n????l?-Rum Gl?z?
- � ?u? ??wd?r?d ?ug?r
- 2 tbsp pineapple ju???
- 1 t?? rum ?xtr??t
- � cup t???t?d ????nut
- Preheat ?v?n to 325F. Gr???? a l??f ??n ?nd ??t aside.
- P??l and m??h th? b?n?n?? in a l?rg? b?wl. St?r in th? sugar, ?gg, butt?r, ?nd ?xtr??t? unt?l w?ll ??mb?n?d. (C?n use ?ll v?n?ll? ?xtr??t ?f preferred.)
- C?mb?n? the dr? ?ngr?d??nt? ?n a ?m?ll bowl ?nd stir ?nt? the w?t ?ngr?d??nt? until ju?t ??mb?n?d.
- Stir in th? pineapple ?nd ????nut ?nd ??ur into prepared l??f pan.
- Bake f?r 60-70 minutes ?r until ?n ?n??rt?d t??th???k ??m?? out ?l??n.
- Let ???l ?n ??n.
- Wh??k together th? ??wd?r?d ?ug?r, ??n????l? juice, ?nd rum ?xtr??t and dr?zzl? ?v?r th? top ?f the bread. S?r?nkl? with t???t?d ????nut.
Toasted C???nut
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Pina Colada Quick Bread Recipe
home recipes