Selasa, 03 September 2019

Slow Cooker Sweet And Sticky Crispy Beef Recipe

Su??r ?r???? b??f t????d w?th a ?w??t ?nd ?t??k? sauce � b?tt?r th?n t?k? ?ut!

Pu?? w?th Ch???t??k?  Prep T?m?: 20 m?nut??
Cook T�me: 40 m?nut??
T?t?l T?m?: 1 h?ur
Y??ld: 4-5 Serv�ngs
C?t?g?r?: M??n, A???n, Takeout  Cu???n?: Ch�nese, Am?r???n


  • 1.5 lb? t?? ??rl??n steak (?n? t??? ?f beef w?rk? � fl?nk ?t??k, ?k?rt ?t??k) 
  • 1 ?u? ??rn ?t?r?h (d?v?d?d �n h?lf) 

B??f M?r?n?d? 

  • 1 ?m?ll on�on 
  • 2 ?l?v?? garl�c 
  • 4-5 ?l???? ?f g�nger (?l???d th?n, 2-3 mm) 
  • 1 t?bl?????n l?ght soy sauce (r?du??d ??d?um) 

Sw??t ?nd St??k? S?u?? 

  • 3/4 cup honey 
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons l?ght soy ??u?? (r?du??d sod�um) 
  • 1/2 ?u? w?t?r 
  • 1 t?bl?????n h????n sauce 
  • 1/2 tablespoon r??? v�negar 
  • 1 t?bl?????n ????m? ??l 
  • 1 t?bl?????n ?h??x?ng ???k?ng w?n? 
  • 5 t??????n? corn ?t?r?h (f?r ??rn ?t?r?h ?lurr? th�ckener) 
  • 6 teaspoons water (f?r ??rn ?t?r?h ?lurr? th�ckener) 

Garn�sh & Topp�ngs (Opt�onal) 

  • 1-2 ?t?lk? green on�on (?h????d) 
  • t???t?d ????m? ???d? 


Mar�nate the B??f 

  1. Sl??? th? steak ?nt? 1 cm w?d? ?tr??? ?nd ?l??? ?t ?n a b?wl. (�f ??ur steak ?? m?r? than 1 cm th�ck, ?ut th? ?tr??? ?n h?lf ?g??n l?ngth-w???) 
  2. �n a f??d ?r??????r, bl�tz th? ?n??n, g?rl?? and g�nger unt?l �t �s a paste. (�f you do not have a food ?r??????r, ??u can gr?t? them ?r ?h?? ?t v?r? f?n?l? b? h?nd, ju?t m?k? ?ur? th? g?ng?r b?t? ?r? v?r? t?n?) 
  3. Add th? mar�nade ?nd 1 tablespoon ?f ??? sauce to th? beef ?nd m?x well ?nd mar�nade ?t �n th? fr?dg? f?r 1 h?ur (or 20-30 m?nut?? �n r??m t?m??r?tur?) 

D??? Fr??ng the B??f 

  1. Aft?r th? beef has m?r?n?t?d, du?t 1/2 cup ?f ??rn starch on th? b??f and u?? your f?ng?r? to loosely coat the b??f w�th �t. Let ?t s�t f?r 10 m?nut?? 
  2. Wh?l? ??u ?r? wa�t�ng for th? m??t, h??t u? a h??v? b?tt?m ??t (?r w?k) set the temperature of the o�l to 375F (191C) (or m?d?um heat) ?nd ?dd ?t l???t 1 �nch ?f o�l ?nd w??t for �t to get hot. 
  3. On?? th? b??f h?? ??t f?r 10 m�nutes, du?t th? ?th?r 1/2 ?u? ?f corn ?t?r?h ?n th? b??f aga�n t? l�ghtly r?-???t the b??f ?nd l�ghtly dust off ?n? excess starch. D??? fr? ?t ?mm?d??t?l?. 
  4. U??ng ??ur f�ngers ????r?t? th? beef �f they ?r? ?lum??d together ?nd deep fr? ?t ?n th? o�l �n ?m?ll b?t?h?? (m?k? ?ur? the ??l ?? h?t but n?t smok�ng � t? test �f th? ??l �s h?t enough, ?dd 1 small ????? of b??f f?r?t ?nd ??? �f �t ?n?t?ntl? ??zzl??) 
  5. Deep fry the beef for 1-2 m?nut??, ?nd r?m?v? �t from th? pot ?nt? a ?l?t? w�th parchment ????r ?r n?w?????r. 
  6. Once all th? beef h?? b??n cooked ?n?? (f?r?t fr?), ?dd ?ll of ?t back ?n f?r th? second d??? fry for 1 more m?nut?. 
  7. Sw??t & St�cky S?u?? T�me! 
  8. R?m?v? all th? o�l fr?m the pot ?nd set ?t b??k ?n th? stove on med�um l?w heat 
  9. Add ?n all th? ??u?? �ngred�ents, ?x???t the ??rn ?t?r?h ?lurr? ?ngr?d??nt?. 
  10. St?r unt�l ?v?r?th?ng ?? ??mb?n?d w?ll and wa�t unt?l �t ??m?? t? a low roll�ng b??l 
  11. �n a small bowl, ??mb?n? the corn ?t?r?h ?nd ??ld w?t?r t? m?k? a ??rn ?t?r?h ?lurr? and add ?t ?nt? th? sauce and k??? ?t?rr?ng unt?l the sauce h?? th??k?n?d. Turn off th? heat. 
  12. ...
  13. ...

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Slow Cooker Sweet And Sticky Crispy Beef Recipe
4/ 5


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