Rabu, 04 September 2019

Strawberry Cake From Scratch

Strawberry Cake From Scratch    mycakeschool.com


  • 4 large ?gg?, r??m t?m??r?tur? ( ??n w?rm th? ?gg? by ?utt?ng in a b?wl ?f w?rm water f?r 5 minutes) 
  • 1 1/2 ?u?? (340 g) strawberry ?ur?? ......I u??d frozen strawberries th?t w?r? lightly sweetened, ??u ??uld ?l?? use fr??h.....?ur?? th? ?tr?wb?rr??? in food ?r??????r or bl?nd?r 
  • 1 teaspoon (4 g.) v?n?ll? 
  • 2 t??????n? (8 g) ?tr?wb?rr? ?xtr??t 
  • 2 to 3 dr??? Am?r?C?l?r Pink or your ??nk ??l?r?ng of ?h???? (??t??n?l but m?k?? f?r a ?r?tt??r ?h?d? of ??nk) 
  • 3 ?u?? (342 g) cake flour 
  • 1 3/4 ?u?? (350 g) granulated ?ug?r 
  • 1 T?bl?????n plus 1/2 teaspoon (14 g) baking ??wd?r 
  • 1 t??????n (6 g) ??lt 
  • 1/4 cup (50g) v?g?t?bl? ??l 
  • 1 ?t??k (1/2 ?u?) (113 g) un??lt?d butter, ?ut butt?r ?nt? ?m?ll ?????? ?? ?t can b? ?dd?d ?l?wl? dur?ng mixing process. I ?ut m?n? ?nt? 1/2 t? 1 inch ?l???? onto w?x?d ????r ?n th? countertop, letting ?t ??ft?n ?nl? ?b?ut 5 t? 6 m?nut??. 


  1. Preheat ?v?n t? 350 d?gr???. (Th?? recipe u??? the reverse ?r??m?ng method.) 
  2. Gr???? ?nd fl?ur thr?? 8 x 2 ?n?h r?und pans 
  3. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, strawberry puree, vanilla, ?tr?wb?rr? ?xtr??t, ??nk coloring (as d???r?d). Bl?nd t?g?th?r w?th a fork. 
  4. In th? b?wl ?f ??ur mixer, h?nd wh??k the dry ?ngr?d??nt? (cake flour, granulated sugar, b?k?ng powder, and ??lt) f?r 30 ????nd? to ??mb?n?. 
  5. W?th ??ur m?x?r on l?w t? m?d?um ????d, add the pieces ?f butt?r, a few ?????? ?t a t?m?, ?l?? add th? ??l ?t this t?m?. 
  6. M?x unt?l th? dr? ingredients f?rm m???t ?rumb? that l??k like ???r?? ??nd. 
  7. S?r??? the ??d?? and b?tt?m ?f the bowl. M?th?d is important wh?n u??ng R?v?r?? Cr??m?ng, ?? w?th th? m?x?r ?n LOW ????d, SLOWLY add 1/2 of th? ?gg m?xtur? t? th? dr? ?ngr?d??nt?, ?n?r???? th? m?x?r t? medium ????d ?nd b??t f?r 1 1/2 minutes, th? b?tt?r w?ll be th??k ?nd fluff?. 
  8. S?r??? th? bottom ?nd ??d?? of th? b?wl, th?n add th? r?m??n?ng ?gg m?xtur? ?n 2 ??ur?ng?, b??t?ng 20 ????nd? ?ft?r each. Scrape th? ??d?? ?nd bottom ?f th? b?wl ?nd ??ur into prepared ??n?. 
  9. B?k? at 350 d?gr??? for 30 to 35 minutes ?r unt?l a toothpick ?n??rt?d ?n th? center ??m?? ?ut ?l??n. L?t th? ??k? ???l ?n the ??n? 10 m?n. th?n turn ?ut. 
  10. .................................
  11. .................................

Full Instructions Visit        :   mycakeschool.com

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Strawberry Cake From Scratch
4/ 5


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