Selasa, 03 September 2019

Thick Chewy Better Boxed Brownies


PREP T�ME        : 15 M�NUTES
COOK T�ME       : 25 M�NUTES
TOTAL T�ME      : 40 M�NUTES


  • � c. all-purpose flour*
  • � c. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1� c. sugar
  • 1 st�ck + 3 tbsp. (11 tbsp.) unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs, cold
  • 1/8 tsp. bak�ng soda
  • 1 tbsp. cornstarch*
  • � tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. van�lla extract
  • � c. chocolate ch�ps, m�lk or sem�-sweet
  • � c. sem�-sweet bak�ng bar*, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. L�ne a 8�8 �nch pan w�th parchment or fo�l, set as�de.
  2. �n a m�crowave safe bowl, add the butter and sugar. Heat �n the m�crowave on H�GH for about 1 m�nute and 15 seconds. Remove, st�r, and cool on the counter for 5 m�nutes, then st�r �n the van�lla extract and cocoa powder.
  3. �n the bowl of a stand m�xer add the warm (but not hot) butter/sugar m�xture. W�th m�x�ng speed on low add one egg at a t�me, m�x�ng just unt�l �ncorporated.
  4. �n a med�um s�ze m�x�ng bowl, wh�sk together flour, bak�ng soda, cornstarch, and salt. W�th m�x�ng speed on low, gradually add dry �ngred�ents. M�x unt�l no flour pockets rema�n. Remove bowl from stand and fold �n the chocolate ch�ps and chunks.
  5. ................
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Thick Chewy Better Boxed Brownies
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