Rabu, 04 September 2019

Chicken Noodle Casserole

Chicken Noodle Casserole    wineandglue.com

Pr?? T?m?         : 10 m?n? 

C??k T?m?        : 35 m?n? 

T?t?l T?m?       : 45 m?n? 

Servings          : 6 ??rv?ng? 


  • 16 ounces ?gg noodles ???k?d in chicken broth (??? n?t??) 
  • 2 bay l??v?? 
  • 2 cups ?h??k?n broth r???rv?d from cooking th? n??dl?? (see n?t? 1) 
  • 3 t?bl?????n? unsalted butt?r 
  • 3 stalks celery diced 
  • 3 m?d?um carrots d???d 
  • 1/2 ??ll?w ?n??n d???d 
  • 3 ?l?v?? g?rl?? minced or ?r????d 
  • 3 t?bl?????n? all ?ur???? fl?ur 
  • 1 ?u? m?lk (I u??d ?k?m) 
  • 2 t??????n? dried parsley 
  • 2 teaspoons dried basil 
  • ??lt and pepper to taste 
  • 3 cups cooked ?hr?dd?d ?h??k?n about thr?? small ?h??k?n br???t? 
  • 3 ?u?? ?hr?dd?d m?zz?r?ll? d?v?d?d (??? n?t? 2) 


  1. Pr?h??t ??ur ?v?n t? 425 d?gr???. S?r?? a 13 b? 9 ?????r?l? dish w?th ???k?ng ??r?? ?nd set aside. 
  2. C??k th? pasta in ?h??k?n ?t??k w?th tw? b?? leaves thr?wn ?nt? the w?t?r ????rd?ng to ???k?g? d?r??t??n?. 
  3. R???rv? 2 cups ?f the cooking liquid. 
  4. Dr??n and ??t aside. Note th? instructions ?n th? ?gg noodles f?r u??ng ?n a ?????r?l?, ??u will likely need t? ?ut th? b??l?ng t?m? by h?lf. 
  5. Melt th? butter ?v?r medium l?w heat in a l?rg? sauce ??n. 
  6. Add the ??l?r?, onion, ??rr?t? ?nd g?rl?? t? th? pan. C??k unt?l th? v?gg??? are ??ft and t?nd?r. 
  7. Add the fl?ur t? th? ??n, m?x?ng ?t ?n t? m?k? a ???t?. 
  8. V?r? slowly ?dd the r???rv?d ???k?ng ?t??k. 
  9. Approximately a t?bl?????n ?f ?t??k ?t a t?m?, w??t?ng until th? l??t b?t of ?t??k was ??m?l?t?l? ??mb?n?d before ?dd?ng the next bit. 
  10. N?w slowly add th? m?lk. 
  11. Once all th? m?lk ?? m?x?d in, ?dd th? ??r?l?? ?nd b???l. 
  12. Th?n ?????n t? t??t? w?th ??lt ?nd pepper. 
  13. ...........................
  14. ............................
  15. ............................
  16. .............................

Full Instructions Visit :  wineandglue.com

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Chicken Noodle Casserole
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