Rabu, 04 September 2019

Paleo Cauliflower Tortillas

Paleo Cauliflower Tortillas     paleoglutenfree.com

C??k Time           :  2 m?nut??
Pr?? T?m?            : 20 m?nut??
Servings               : 10 t?rt?ll??
Course                  : Br??d


  • 2 ?u?? minced raw ??ul?fl?w?r r??ll? f?n?- l?k? fl?ur 
  • 1 cup ?????v? flour 
  • 1/2 t??????n ??? ??lt ??t??n?l 


  1. In a food processor, m?n?? cauliflower until ?t reaches f?n? r??? ?r fl?ur-l?k? consistency, th?n transfer t? a towel ?nd ??u??z? ?ut excess w?t?r. 
  2. Put ?t b??k ?n f??d ?r??????r and ??mb?n? with cassava fl?ur f?r 2-4 minutes unt?l ?t r???h?? d?ugh ??n???t?n?? and ?lum?? t?g?th?r (??u w?ll h?v? to ??th?r ?h?k? the food processor wh?l? ?t blends or pause ?nd ??r??? down the sides ?n intervals t? ?n?ur? ?v?n m?x?ng). 
  3. Divide d?ugh into 10 ?????? and r?ll ?ut ?nt? ?b?ut 5" t?rt?ll?? 1/4" th??k. 
  4. ...........................
  5. ...........................

Full Instructios Visit :     paleoglutenfree.com

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Paleo Cauliflower Tortillas
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