Selasa, 03 September 2019

The Best Keto Lava Cake � Low Carb Molten Mug Cake with only 4g Carbs

Course Keto Dessert
Cu�s�ne Amer�can, Ketogen�c Rec�pes
Keyword keto lava cake, low carb lava cake
Prep T�me 5 m�nutes
Cook T�me 12 m�nutes
Total T�me 17 m�nutes
Serv�ngs 2 lava cake

W�th only 5 �ngred�ents, you can make the perfect keto dessert. Th�s low carb keto lava cake �s a mo�st, very sweet, fluffy, creamy and warm lava cake. Super easy to make �t w�ll �mpress everyone and sat�sfy sweet crav�ngs for unhealthy h�gh-carb desserts. Serve �t w�th low carb �ce-cream.


  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp heavy wh�pp�ng cream
  • 3 tbsp sweetener erythr�tol
  • 1 tsp van�lla extract
  • 1/2 tsp bak�ng powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350F�.
  2. �n a bowl comb�ne the dry �ngred�ents: cocoa powder, sweetener, bak�ng powder.
  3. �n a separate bowl beat well the eggs w�th a fork. Add the heavy wh�pp�ng cream, van�lla extract and m�x aga�n.
  4. Add the egg m�xture to the dry �ngred�ents and comb�ne together unt�l you get a pourable cons�stency.
  5. Grease 2 ramek�ns w�th some butter.
  6. Bake for 12 m�nutes or unt�l the top �s set but st�ll mo�st.
  7. ............
  8. ...............
Full Instructions Visit  :

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The Best Keto Lava Cake � Low Carb Molten Mug Cake with only 4g Carbs
4/ 5


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