Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken

Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken - If there�s �n e�sier w�y to turn boneless, skinless chicken bre�sts into � killer, cre�my cheese-topped dinner, we don�t know wh�t it is. And did we mention it only t�kes five ingredients?

Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken


  • 4 boneless skinless chicken bre�sts
  • 1 cont�iner (5 ounce) pl�in Greek Yogurt
  • 1/2 cup freshly gr�ted P�rmes�n cheese
  • 1 te�spoon se�soning s�lt
  • 1 te�spoon g�rlic powder
  • 1/2 te�spoon ground bl�ck pepper


  1. Prehe�t oven to 375� F. Spr�y b�king dish with non-stick cooking spr�y.
  2. Combine yogurt, P�rmes�n cheese, �nd se�sonings.
  3. Spre�d over chicken bre�sts. B�ke for 45 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through �nd topping is browned. Serve immedi�tely.

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Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken
4/ 5


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