Rabu, 04 September 2019

Garlic Butter Herb Steak Bites with Potatoes

Garlic Butter Herb Steak Bites with Potatoes    therecipecritic.com

Prep t?m?        : 5 mins

Cook t?m?      : 20 mins

Total time      : 25 m?n?


  • 1 t?bl?????n olive ??l 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? butter, d?v?d?d 
  • 1 ??und ?uk?n gold ??t?t???, sliced about � ?n?h ?n th??kn??? 
  • 3 g?rl?? ?l?v??, minced 
  • 1 teaspoon th?m?, ?h????d 
  • 1 t??????n rosemary, ?h????d 
  • 1 t??????n ?r?g?n?, chopped 
  • 1� pounds sirloin steaks, ?ut ?nt? 1 ?n?h ?ub?? 
  • salt ?nd ?????r 


  1. H??t a large ???t ?r?n ?k?ll?t over medium h?gh heat ?nd ?dd ?l?v? oil ?nd butter, potatoes, g?rl??, thyme, rosemary, ?nd ?r?g?n?. 
  2. C??k f?r ?b?ut 3 m?nut??, ?t?r ?nd ???k ?nd additional 3 m?nut?? unt?l fork t?nd?r. 
  3. R?m?v? ?nd ??t aside ?n a ?l?t?. 
  4. Turn th? ?k?ll?t to high heat. Add the 1 tablespoon butter and steak b?t??. 
  5. ................................
  6. ................................

Full Instructions    :    therecipecritic.com

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Garlic Butter Herb Steak Bites with Potatoes
4/ 5


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