Rabu, 04 September 2019

Fat Head Low-Carb Pizza Crust

Fat Head Low-Carb Pizza Crust     hip2save.com

???ld              : 8 SERVINGS 

?r?? t?m?       : 15 MINUTES 

???k t?m?      : 15 MINUTES

t?t?l t?m?       : 30 MINUTES 


  • 3/4 cup almond m??l/fl?ur 
  • 1 ?nd 3/4 ?u?? mozzarella ?h????, ?hr?dd?d 
  • 2 t?bl?????n? ?r??m cheese 
  • 1 egg 
  • pinch ?f salt 
  • 1/2 t??????n It?l??n seasoning 
  • D???r?d ??zz? t????ng? (t?m?t? paste ?r ??u??, mozzarella ?h????, ?????r?n?, mushrooms, b?ll ?????r?, ?t?.) 


Preheat ??ur ?v?n t? 425 d?gr???. Combine ?lm?nd flour ?nd m?zz?r?ll? cheese in a m??r?w?v? safe b?wl. Add ?n ?r??m cheese and ???k for one minute.  St?r, ?nd ???k f?r an additional 30 seconds in the m??r?w?v?.

Mix ?n ?gg, salt, and Italian ?????n?ng, ?nd ?t?r.

Sh??? th? d?ugh into a b?ll and ?l??? b?tw??n tw? ?????? of ??r?hm?nt ????r.

U?? a rolling ??n ?n t?? ?f th? parchment ????r to roll dough ?n a circular shape. (M?n? w?? m?r? of an ?v?l.)

R?m?v? th? top parchment ????r ?nd ?l?d? d?ugh onto a b?k?ng ?h??t ?r ??zz? ?t?n?. Bake at 425 d?gr??? ?n the oven f?r 12-14 m?nut?? unt?l ?l?ghtl? browned.

............................... Full Instructions Visit :   hip2save.com

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Fat Head Low-Carb Pizza Crust
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