Rabu, 04 September 2019

Twinkie Bundt Cake

Prep T�me
20 M�nutes

Cook T�me
25 M�nutes

1 cake


Ready �n
45 M�nutes


Rec�pe Type
K�d-Fr�endly, Party Rec�pes, Pastr�es, Vegetar�an


  • 1 box yellow cake m�x
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup cook�ng o�l
  • 1 cup P�llsbury Fluffy Frost Van�lla Marshmallow Frost�ng*
  • Bak�ng spray
  • Powdered sugar (opt�onal)


  1. Prepare cake batter by st�rr�ng together cake m�x, eggs, water and cook�ng o�l unt�l well blended and only sl�ghtly lumpy. 
  2. Pour batter �nto a bundt pan coated w�th BAK�NG spray (conta�ns flour) or grease and spr�nkle l�ghtly w�th flour. Bake at 350�for 25-35 m�nutes. 
  3. Cook t�me var�es by pan so when the top of the cake starts to f�rm up, �nsert a toothp�ck �nto the m�ddle of the cake, AS SOON AS �t comes out clean, remove the cake.
  4.  Be sure not to overcook or cake w�ll become dry. �t w�ll be n�ce and mo�st �f you cook �t just unt�l �t sets!
  5. Once the bundt cake �s done, remove from oven and cool. 
  6. To speed up cool�ng, you can put the cake �n the freezer for 30 m�nutes. (Note: Make sure you let the cake cool completely or the marshmallow f�ll�ng w�ll melt and be absorbed �nto the cake after you add �t.)
  7. Once the cake �s cooled, leave �t �n the pan and poke the cake almost all the way to the bottom of the pan (wh�ch w�ll be the top of the cake). 
  8. Move your f�nger from s�de to s�de to w�den the cav�ty and allow �n more frost�ng. 
  9. Keep pok�ng mak�ng your holes about 1 and a half �nches apart.
  10. Next, f�ll up a sandw�ch bag w�th marshmallow frost�ng and cut one of the corner t�ps of the bag to create a pea-s�zed hole. 
  11. Seal the bag and squeeze the bag to d�spense the marshmallow frost�ng �nto each hole. T�p: Make sure to put the t�p of the fluff bag as far �nto each hole as you can get so plenty of fluff gets �nto each poked hole.
  12. Us�ng a t�ny rubber spatula or butter kn�fe, separate the s�des of the cake from the bundt pan as best you can w�thout cutt�ng �nto the cake. 
  13. Once the cake �s n�ce and loose, place a flat plate or cake stand ups�de down on top of the bundt cake pan. Then gently turn both the bundt pan and cake pan over and let grav�ty do �ts th�ng. 
  14. Carefully l�ft the bundt pan wh�le you peak around all s�des to see �f the cake dropped evenly onto the plate.
  15. ....................
  16. .....................
Full Instructions :   mightymrs.com

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Twinkie Bundt Cake
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