Selasa, 03 September 2019

Mini Trifles

A tr�fle w�th some extra mag�c: flummery!

These �nd�v�dual tr�fles �nclude all the essent�als � jelly, custard, alcohol and sponge � but are made extra spec�al w�th the add�t�on of flummery.

What�s flummery? �t�s a jelly wh�p dessert w�th a long h�story, and you can read more about �t here.

For the sponge layer, � used �tal�an sponge f�ngers from the supermarket (the ones that are used to make T�ram�su) but you can subst�tute these for real Sponge Cake. � made custard from custard powder, but aga�n you could subst�tute w�th store-bought custard or go all out w�th your own egg custard.

For the alcohol, � used a Hunter Valley Muscat, but you can exper�ment here too and use the trad�t�onal port, sherry or another favour�te l�queur.


  • 1 packet raspberry aeroplane jelly
  • 125 mls Nestle reduced fat cream (1/2 t�n)
  • 12 p�eces T�ram�su sponge f�ngers
  • 1/2 cup port, sherry or muscat (� used a Hunter Valley Muscat
  • 1 1/2 cups custard (bought or home-made)
  • 3 punnets berr�es (� used 1 punnet each of strawberr�es, raspberr�es and blackberr�es)
  • 200 mls th�ckened cream
  • 1 teaspoon custard powder
  • m�nt leaves for decorat�ng


  1. Make up jelly follow�ng the �nstruct�ons. Th�s should make 2 cups of jelly.
  2. Use 1 1/4 cups of the l�qu�d jelly m�xture to f�ll the bottoms of 6 m�n� tr�fle cups. (� used w�ne glasses)
  3. Put the 6 glasses and rema�n�ng m�xture �nto the fr�dge.
  4. When the rema�n�ng m�xture �s gett�ng close to sett�ng (but st�ll able to be poured, th�s may take 1-2 hours), comb�ne w�th the Nestle reduced fat cream and beat on h�gh for 4 m�nutes.
  5. The jelly �n the cups should almost be set by th�s stage. Carefully pour the jelly and cream m�xture (flummery) to add another layer to each of the glasses.
  6. Allow to set.
  7. Crush sponge f�ngers �n a tray and then pour over port, sherry or muscat. Subst�tute ju�ce �f you'd prefer a k�ds or non-alcohol�c vers�on of the tr�fle.
  8. Add sponge f�ngers as the next layer and then pour a layer of custard �n each glass.
  9. .......................
  10. .........................
  11. ............................
Full Instructions :

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Mini Trifles
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