Rabu, 04 September 2019

Air Fryer Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets (with 2 Ingredient Dough!)

Air Fryer Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets   everythingerica.com

Pr?? Time            :  8 m?n?
C??k T?m?          : 12 mins
Total T?m?           : 20 m?n?
C?ur??                 : A???t?z?r
Cu???n?                : Am?r???n
K??w?rd              : A?r Fr??d, Baked, Ch????, Ham, Healthy, H?t P??k?t?
S?rv?ng?               : 2


  • 1 cup S?lf R???ng Fl?ur 
  • 1 cup 0% F?g? Gr??k Y?gurt 
  • ??n?h S?lt 
  • 1 ???k?g? Pr?m? Fr??h H?n?? H?m 
  • Fat-Free Mozzarella Ch???? shredded 
  • Fat-Free Ch?dd?r Cheese ?hr?dd?d 
  • 1 Egg b??t?n with a t??????n ?f water 
  • Ol?v? O?l S?r?? 


  1. M?k? your dough! In a l?rg? b?wl, mix t?g?th?r ??ur ??gurt, fl?ur ?nd ??lt until a d?ugh b?ll forms. It can b? ?t??k?, ?? make sure t? h?v? a little ?xtr? fl?ur ?n h?nd! 
  2. Cut ??ur dough ?nt? 4 ??u?l parts. R?ll th?m out ?nt? r??t?ngl?? but m?k? ?ur? two ?f th? r??t?ngl?? are a l?ttl? l?ng?r and f?tt?r th?n th? ?th?r?. Match one large with one ?m?ll. 
  3. On th? smaller tw? rectangles, place d???r?d ?m?unt ?f ham ?nd cheese ?n th? hot ???k?t?. M?k? ?ur? t? l??v? space around th? ?dg??. Place the larger r??t?ngl? on top and ???l. 
  4. .....................
  5. .....................

Full Instructions Visit :  everythingerica.com

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Air Fryer Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets (with 2 Ingredient Dough!)
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