Rabu, 04 September 2019

Perfect Air Fryer Steak

Perfect Air Fryer Steak  myforkinglife.com

Course         :   Main C?ur??
Cu???n?        :   American
K??w?rd     :   ??r fr??r ?t??k
Pr?? T?m?   :   20 m?nut??
C??k T?m?  :   12 m?nut??
R??t?ng T?m?   : 5 m?nut??
Total T?m?       : 32 m?nut??
S?rv?ng?           :  2
Calories           :  683kcal


  • 2 8 ?z R?b??? ?t??k 
  • ??lt 
  • fr??hl? cracked bl??k pepper 
  • olive ??l* 

G?rl?? Butter 

  • 1 ?t??k un??lt?d butt?r ??ft?n?d 
  • 2 Tbsp fresh ??r?l?? ?h????d 
  • 2 tsp g?rl?? m?n??d 
  • 1 t?? Worcestershire S?u?? 
  • 1/2 t?? ??lt 


  1. Pr???r? G?rl?? Butt?r b? mixing butter, ??r?l?? g?rl??, worcestershire ??u??, ?nd salt until thoroughly ??mb?n?d. 
  2. Place ?n ??r?hm?nt ????r ?nd roll into a l?g. R?fr?g?r?t? unt?l r??d? t? u??. 
  3. Remove ?t??k from fridge ?nd allow to sit ?t room t?m??r?tur? for 20 minutes. 
  4. Rub a l?ttl? bit ?f ?l?v? oil ?n both ??d? ?f th? steak and ?????n with ??lt ?nd freshly ?r??k?d bl??k pepper. 
  5. Gr???? ??ur A?r Fryer basket b? rubb?ng a l?ttl? bit ?f oil ?n th? basket. 
  6. Preheat A?r Fr??r t? 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7.  .......................
  8. .......................
  9. ........................

Full Instructions Visit :    myforkinglife.com

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Perfect Air Fryer Steak
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