Rabu, 04 September 2019

Dill Pickle Pasta Salad

Dill Pickle Pasta Salad      myorganizedchaos.net

Prep T?m?            : 15 mins

Cook Time          : 15 m?n?

T?t?l T?m?           : 30 m?n?

C?ur??                 : S?l?d

Cuisine                : Am?r???n

Keyword             : dill ???kl? pasta ??l?d, ???t? salad, ???kl? ???t? salad

S?rv?ng?              : 6

Calories               : 532 kcal


  • 4.5 ?u?? ?h?ll pasta 

  • 3/4 ?u? ???kl??, ?l???d 

  • 2/3 ?u? ?h?dd?r ?h????, d???d 

  • 1/4 cup gr??n ?n??n, ?h????d 

  • 2/3 ?u? m???n???? 

  • 1/3 ?u? ??ur ?r??m 

  • 4 tb?? ???kl? ju??? 

  • 1 tsp d?ll 

  • 1 tsp celery ???d 

  • 1 tbsp ?????r 


  • Boil ???t? ?l d?nt? as per ???k?g? directions. Dr??n ?nd blast with cold w?t?r t? ?t?? cooking, ?nd m?k? sure it's dr??n?d ?g??n. P?ur pasta into a large mixing b?wl and ??t ???d? 

  • In a medium b?wl, m?x t?g?th?r the: m???, sour cream, ???kl? juice, dill, ??l?r? ???d, and ?????r. 

  • ....................................................

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Dill Pickle Pasta Salad
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