Rabu, 04 September 2019

Raspberry Lemon Cake

Raspberry Lemon Cake   theviewfromgreatisland.com

Pr?? T?m?: 20 m?nut??

C??k Time: 25 minutes

Category: dessert

Cu???n?: Am?r???n

Yield: ??rv?? 10



  • 9 t?bl?????n? un??lt?d butt?r, at r??m temperature 
  • 1 ?u? gr?nul?t?d ?ug?r 
  • 3 l?rg? eggs, ????r?t?d 
  • 2 ?u?? ?ll purpose flour 
  • 1 Tbsp baking ??wd?r 
  • 1 t?? salt 
  • 1/2 t?? baking soda 
  • 1 ?u? ?l??n greek yogurt 
  • 1 h????d ?u? r???b?rr??? 

lemon butt?r?r??m 

  • 2 ?t??k? (1 ?u?) un??lt?d butt?r, ?t room temperature 
  • 5 cups confectioner's ?ug?r, sifted 
  • juice ?f 1 ?nd 1/2 l?m?n? (about 3-4 t?bl?????n?) 
  • (??t??n?l) 1 ?m?ll drop yellow gel f??d ??l?r?ng 


  1. Pr?h??t ?v?n t? 350F Butt?r ?nd fl?ur 2 n?n-?t??k 9 ?n?h ??k? pans (you ??n use 8 ?n?h ??n?, ?? w?ll, ju?t ?n?r???? th? ???k?ng t?m?.) I like to put a r?und ?f parchment ????r on th? b?tt?m ?f the pans ju?t t? insure a g??d r?l????. 
  2. Cr??m th? butt?r ?nd sugar t?g?th?r until l?ght ?nd fluff?, ??r???ng d?wn th? ??d?? of the b?wl as n??????r?. 
  3. B??t ?n th? ?gg ??lk?, ?n? ?t a t?m?. In a ????r?t? bowl b??t the ?gg whites until ??ft ???k? form. 
  4. Whisk together th? fl?ur, baking ??wd?r, ??lt, ?nd b?k?ng ??d?. Add to th? butt?r mixture ?lt?rn?t?l? w?th th? ??gurt ?nd m?x unt?l w?ll combined. S?r??? down th? b?wl. F?ld ?n th? whipped egg whites, ?nd wh?n n? wh?t? ?tr??k? r?m??n, f?ld ?n th? b?rr???. 
  5. S?r??d th? b?tt?r ?v?nl? between the tw? cake ??n? ?nd even ?ut th? t??? w?th an ?ff??t ???tul?. 
  6. Bake the ??k?? ?n th? ??m? ?v?n ?h?lf for about 25 m?nut??, ?r unt?l the ??nt?r ??r?ng? b??k when t?u?h?d ?nd th? ?dg?? ?r? ju?t ?t?rt?ng t? turn golden. D?n't ?v?r b?k?. 
  7. Let th? ??k?? ???l f?r 10 minutes b?f?r? turn?ng them ?ut ?nd ???l?ng th?m ??m?l?t?l? ?n a rack. 
  8. .........................................
  9. ..........................................
  10. ..........................................

Full Instructions Visit    :   theviewfromgreatisland.com

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Raspberry Lemon Cake
4/ 5


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