Rabu, 04 September 2019

Strawberry Basil Margarita Summer Cocktail

Strawberry Basil Margarita Summer Cocktail     oursaltykitchen.com

C?ur??               : Cocktail, Dr?nk?
Cu???n?              :  Am?r???n
Prep T?m?         : 10 minutes
T?t?l Time        : 10 minutes
S?rv?ng?            : 2
C?l?r???            : 240 k??l


  • 1/2 pint fr??h ?tr?wb?rr??? 
  • 1/2 c. blanco t??u?l? 
  • 1.5 oz. C??ntr??u 
  • 1 l?m? ju???d (?b?ut an ounce) 
  • 1 tb?? h?n?? r?w ?f ??u have it 
  • 2-3 b???l sprigs 
  • ??? 
  • kosher ??lt 


On th? Rocks 

  1. Pour ?b?ut 1/4 ?u? of k??h?r ??lt ?nt? a small side ?l?t?. 
  2. Rub th? ju???d lime rh?n? ?r?und th? ?dg? ?f tw? r??k? gl?????, th?n d?? ???h gl??? ?nt? the plate of salt to r?m th? edges. Fill ???h gl??? with ?ru?h?d ??? ?r ??v?r?l ice ?ub?. 
  3. Pl??? th? ?tr?wb?rr???, tequila, ???ntr??u, l?m? ju??? and h?n?? ?nt? a bl?nd?r. 
  4. Bl?nd th?r?ughl? on h?gh unt?l th? ?tr?wb?rr??? ?r? pulverized. Finely chop th? basil ?nd ?l??? ?nt? the b?tt?m of a d???nt?r ?r ???kt??l ?h?k?r. 
  5. Muddle the b???l t? release the fl?v?r? ?nd oils. P?ur the blended m?rg?r?t? ?ngr?d??nt? ?nt? th? d???nt?r ?l?ng w?th th? muddle basil ?nd stir v?g?r?u?l? to ?n??r??r?t?. 
  6. Pour into ??lt?d, ???d glasses ?nd ??rv? immediately. 


  1. P?ur about 1/4 ?u? ?f k??h?r salt onto a ?m?ll ??d? ?l?t?. 
  2. Rub th? juiced l?m? rh?n? ?r?und the edge of tw? rocks gl?????, th?n dip ???h gl??? ?nt? th? ?l?t? of salt. 
  3. .........................
  4. ........................

Full Instructions Visit :     oursaltykitchen.com

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Strawberry Basil Margarita Summer Cocktail
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