Prep T�me : 20 m�nutes
Cook T�me : 40 m�nutes
Total T�me : 1 hour
Serv�ngs : 4 sandw�ches
- 1 head caul�flower* cut �n 1/2 �nch steaks
- 1 cup buffalo sauce separated
- 1.5 tsp garl�c powder separated
- 1 tsp ch�l� powder
- 2 tbsp ol�ve o�l
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 3 tbsp water
- 3/4 cup flour
- 3/4 cup sparkl�ng water
- o�l for fry�ng
- 4 c�abatta rolls
- Opt�onal Topp�ngs lettuce, tomato, on�on, avocado, vegan ranch
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees and l�ne a bak�ng sheet w�th parchment paper.
- Prepare caul�flower by destemm�ng and cutt�ng �t �nto 1/2 �nch steaks (from top to bottom).
- Comb�ne 1/2 cup buffalo sauce, 1 tsp garl�c powder, ch�l� powder and ol�ve o�l �n a bowl.
- D�p each steak �n the sauce and allow excess to dr�p off.
- Place on the bak�ng sheet and cook �n the oven for 10 m�nutes.
- Remove from the oven and fl�p the steaks.
- Baste w�th leftover sauce and cook �n the oven for an add�t�onal 10 m�nutes.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool wh�le you prepare the batter.
- Comb�ne flax meal and 3 tbsp (flat) water �n a small bowl and set as�de for 5 m�nutes.
- Add 1/2 cup buffalo sauce, 1/2 tsp garl�c powder, flour, sparkl�ng water and flax "egg" to a bowl.
- �F FRY�NG: Heat o�l �n a shallow pan unt�l �t reaches 360 degrees.
- D�p each steak �n the batter and allow excess to dr�p off.
- Work�ng �n batches, carefully add battered steaks to the o�l and fry unt�l golden on both s�des (approx. 4-7 m�nutes).
- Remove from the o�l and place on paper towel-l�ned plate unt�l ready to serve.
- �F BAK�NG: Place a new sheet of parchment paper on the bak�ng sheet.
- D�p each steak �n the batter and allow excess to dr�p off.
- Place steaks on the bak�ng sheet and cook �n the oven for 10 m�nutes.
- Remove from the oven and fl�p the steaks.
- Cook for an add�t�onal 10 m�nutes, or unt�l browned and cr�spy.** Remove from the oven and serve �mmed�ately.
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