Selasa, 03 September 2019

Mini Death By Chocolate Cheesecakes

Y�ELDS               :1 DOZEN
PREP T�ME         :0 HOURS 15 M�NS
TOTAL T�ME      :2 HOURS 10 M�NS



  • 12 Oreos
  • 4 tbsp. melted butter
  • 1 1/2 (8-oz.) blocks cream cheese, softened
  • 1/3 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 c. b�ttersweet chocolate ch�ps, melted


  • 1/4 c. chocolate ch�ps
  • 3 tbsp. heavy cream


  • 3/4 c. heavy cream
  • 3 tbsp. chocolate syrup
  • 1 (1.55-oz) Hershey's bar, broken �nto small p�eces, for garn�sh


  1. Preheat oven to 350�. L�ne 12 muff�n t�ns w�th paper l�ners. 
  2. Make crust: �n a large resealable plast�c bag or a food processor f�tted w�th a metal blade, crush or blend Oreos unt�l f�ne crumbs form. Transfer to a bowl and pour �n melted butter. St�r unt�l crumbs are completely coated and mo�stened. Press about 1 tablespoon of crumb m�xture �nto the bottom of each l�ner. 
  3. Make cheesecake: �n a large bowl us�ng a hand m�xer (or �n the bowl of a stand m�xer us�ng the paddle attachment), beat cream cheese, sugar, flour, cocoa powder, and salt unt�l l�ght and fluffy. Add eggs; beat unt�l well comb�ned. Fold �n melted chocolate.
  4. Pour cheesecake f�ll�ng over crust �n prepared l�ners. Bake cheesecakes unt�l only sl�ghtly j�ggly �n the center, 12 to 14 m�nutes. 
  5. Let cool for 5 m�nutes �n the pan and then transfer to a rack to cool completely. Refr�gerate unt�l cold, at least 1 hour.
  6. Make chocolate ganache: Once cheesecakes are cold, add chocolate ch�ps and heavy cream to a m�crowave-safe d�sh. M�crowave �n 10-second �ntervals unt�l chocolate �s melted; st�r unt�l smooth and creamy. Spread about 1 tablespoon chocolate sauce on top of each cheesecake. Return to refr�gerator to let chocolate sauce set, about 10 more m�nutes.
  7. ..................
Full Instructions :

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Mini Death By Chocolate Cheesecakes
4/ 5


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