Selasa, 03 September 2019

The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever

These are the most flavorful cr�spy roast potatoes you'll ever make. And they just happen to be gluten-free and vegan (�f you use o�l) to boot.

Y�ELD: Serves 6 to 8
ACT�VE T�ME: 30 m�nutes
TOTAL T�ME: 1 hour 15 m�nutes

Kosher salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon (4g) bak�ng soda
  • 4 pounds (about 2kg) russet or Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut �nto quarters, s�xths, or e�ghths, depend�ng on s�ze (see note)
  • 5 tablespoons (75ml) extra-v�rg�n ol�ve o�l, duck fat, goose fat, or beef fat
  • Small handful p�cked rosemary leaves, f�nely chopped
  • 3 med�um cloves garl�c, m�nced

Freshly ground black pepper

  • Small handful fresh parsley leaves, m�nced


  1. Adjust oven rack to center pos�t�on and preheat oven to 450�F/230�C (or 400�F/200�C �f us�ng convect�on). 
  2. Heat 2 quarts (2L) water �n a large pot over h�gh heat unt�l bo�l�ng. 
  3. Add 2 tablespoons kosher salt (about 1 ounce; 25g), bak�ng soda, and potatoes and st�r. 
  4. Return to a bo�l, reduce to a s�mmer, and cook unt�l a kn�fe meets l�ttle res�stance when �nserted �nto a potato chunk, about 10 m�nutes after return�ng to a bo�l.
  5. Meanwh�le, comb�ne ol�ve o�l, duck fat, or beef fat w�th rosemary, garl�c, and a few gr�nds of black pepper �n a small saucepan and heat over med�um heat. 
  6. Cook, st�rr�ng and shak�ng pan constantly, unt�l garl�c just beg�ns to turn golden, about 3 m�nutes. �mmed�ately stra�n o�l through a f�ne-mesh stra�ner set �n a large bowl.
  7.  Set garl�c/rosemary m�xture as�de and reserve separately.
  8. When potatoes are cooked, dra�n carefully and let them rest �n the pot for about 30 seconds to allow excess mo�sture to evaporate. 
  9. Transfer to bowl w�th �nfused o�l, season to taste w�th a l�ttle more salt and pepper, and toss to coat, shak�ng bowl roughly, unt�l a th�ck layer of mashed potato�l�ke paste has bu�lt up on the potato chunks.
  10. Transfer potatoes to a large r�mmed bak�ng sheet and separate them, spread�ng them out evenly. 
  11. Transfer to oven and roast, w�thout mov�ng, for 20 m�nutes. 
  12. Us�ng a th�n, flex�ble metal spatula to release any stuck potatoes, shake pan and turn potatoes. 
  13. Cont�nue roast�ng unt�l potatoes are deep brown and cr�sp all over, turn�ng and shak�ng them a few t�mes dur�ng cook�ng, 30 to 40 m�nutes longer.
  14. ...
  15. ......
  16. ..........

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The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever
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